Every woman wants to flaunt designer handbags. But buying a designer and branded one is a costly affair, range from $450.00 to $2500.00, the average women simply cannot afford to splurge on such luxurious items. You maybe want to know whether these designer bags are made from solid gold or not or make sure they have 24 carat diamonds sewn into them for that kind of hefty price tag.
Therefore, a market has developed for the knockoff designer handbag with a much cheaper price tag. Cheap designer handbags are currently sweeping the world. There are factories in China which manufacture cheap knockoff designer handbags. They use less expensive, but adequate materials and make only a subtle change in the designer logo or artwork on the handbag. Thus, you get a cheap designer handbag that the average woman can afford and enjoy.
The only harm in manufacturing cheap designer handbags is to the design companies themselves. But the women who are buying the cheap designer handbags can not afford to purchase the real thing, so actually, the design firms are not losing any money. A celebrity or jetsetter would not literally be caught dead with a cheap designer handbag. So, unless the average woman takes out a loan to purchase a designer handbag or handbags, which is unlikely to occur, than really no one loses and there is only a winning scenario for everyone involved.
Canal Street
Canal Street in New York City is probably the most famous location to find cheap knockoff designer handbags. It is not unheard of in a shop on Canal Street to be taken down a flight of back stairs to another locked room full of cheap designer bags. The customer can purchase as many of these handbags as she wants on a cash basis, fill her suitcase, return home and resell to her community.
It is a flourishing business and one that is, unfortunately, being scrutinized by undercover police officers. The major design labels can crack down on cheap knockoff designer handbags in the United States because of trademark licensing laws. Again, it is not unheard of for a shopkeeper on Canal Street to get busted for selling fake designer handbags and then turn around in less then a month and open shop again. This is a continuous cycle, where the shopkeeper tries to outsmart the police time and time again.
There is specifically money to be made in selling those cheap designer handbags and no one will get harm, but how to stop the seller from selling cheap designer handbags? The average consumer knows when something seems too good to be true (like what should be a $10000 piece selling for $150) it probably is! Women want to be fashionable and chi and look luxurious. If spotting one of these cheap designer handbags make you feel great, than why reduce her chances of intoxication by eliminating the chance? Shopping laws should be changed to eliminate replicas.